How can I help your grant-seeking efforts?

Grant writing.

Grantmakers want to make a difference in the world, so your grant application must convince them that your project will amplify their impact. It must be a logical, compelling case for support.

But it’s easy to feel intimidated by the thought of writing a proposal with its detailed guidelines and selection criteria. You need to apply a mix of advocacy and persuasive writing skills.

Writing a grant application also takes time.

I know that time is often in short supply when you’re managing a non-profit or getting a new project up and running, so let me help.


A grant application is a valuable opportunity to make an excellent first impression. Grant assessors may disqualify your application if you don’t follow their guidelines or miss something important.

I can help reduce this risk by reviewing your application in detail and checking every section against the funder’s guidelines.

As an editor, my role is not just correcting typos or grammar. I will also ensure your writing style is consistent throughout, avoids complicated language, and makes a compelling case for why your project should be funded.

A well-written and error-free grant application can build your credibility with grantmakers even if it’s not successful in securing funding.

Grant research.

There’s no silver bullet to grant-seeking; it takes time to research the best-fit funding opportunities.

Grantmakers also typically fall into different categories: foundations, corporations, and government agencies, so it can be overwhelming knowing where to start. That’s where I can help.

Once we’ve discussed your goals, I’ll put together a detailed list of grants that match your needs with their guidelines and deadlines.

Think of it as a roadmap of grants to pursue with the highest likelihood of success for your organisation or project.

Work with me.

If you would like to hire me to write your project proposal, edit an existing grant application, or research grants, email me.

We’ll talk, so I can get to know your organisation and what you need.

If I’m not the best person for the job, I will be honest and recommend someone I believe is better suited.

If I can help, we’ll discuss the details and put a plan in place.

  • If you hire me to write your proposal, I will provide a customised quote based on the size and complexity of the application and associated deadlines.

    If you hire me to edit an existing grant application, I will provide a customised quote based on the length of the document and the estimated time it will take.

    If you hire me to research the best-fit grants for your organisation or project, prices will start from 450€.

  • If you hire me to write or edit your grant application, please don’t ask if you can pay me only if the grant is successful. I don’t work on a commission basis.

    Given the highly competitive nature of grants, I cannot guarantee an application’s success.

    I can, however, guarantee that I will bring my skills and commitment to helping you develop the best grant application possible!

“Robyn helped me to see opportunities that I would have otherwise missed as a solo entrepreneur.”